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About Us

Our aim is to bring the Indian community in Dresden closer to each other as well as to enhance the intercultural exchange of Indian and local culture.

By facilitating regular networking opportunities, we explore possibilities of establishing deeper relations. We have built a strong community and have passionate participation by students, scholars, employees, and families, in and around Dresden. The platform of cultures plays a vital role in one’s identity, we wish to act as agents of Indo-German relationship.

With the  combined strength and experience of our team, we wish to create social initiatives to support personal and professional growth of students and professionals.


First Diwali celebration in Dresden


The first “Core Team” organized Diwali in CRTD, Dresden


Organisation Structured

The structure helped to promote our support and integration into the Germany society.


Registered Organisation as NGO (e.V.)

Thx formal registration of our organization into the Vereinregister in Dresden as Indian Association Dresden e.V. (IAD e.V.)


ISG Partnership

Officially became a partner member of Indian Students in Germany (ISG)


Invitation by Fmr. MEA Mrs. Sushma Swaraj

President of IAD invited by the former Minister of External Affairs (MEA) Mrs. Sushma Swaraj


Sarojini Naidu-Leibniz Award – Best Performing Indian Association in Germany


Sarojini Naidu-Leibniz Award – Best Performing Indian Association in Germany

Co-aplicant and cooperative member of German-India Grant

New Passage to India, between IISC and TU Dresden, funded by BAMF and DAAD


Internationalization Award | TU Dresden

Exceptional engagement and empowerment