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Upcoming Event

21.02.2025 16:00Uhr – 19:00Uhr

International Mother Language Day

“Mother tongue is the language of the heart”

Date: Friday, 21.02.2025
Time: 16:00Uhr – 19:00Uhr
Registration required* (see below)

Kinder und Elternzentrum „Kolibri“ e. V.
Villa der Kulturen
Kraftwerk Mitte 2, 01067 Dresden

Event organized by the children’s and parents’ center “Kolibri” e. V. in cooperation with Indian Association Dresden e. V. and the integration and foreigners representative of the state capital Dresden.

International Mother Language Day celebrates the world’s linguistic diversity. Half of all people worldwide speak at least two languages. In Germany, around 21 percent of all children and young people under the age of 14 speak a language other than German in their family. Dealing with multilingualism in an appreciative manner without judging individual languages ​​is an important message to our children: “Every language is valuable”!

We warmly invite you to experience the city’s linguistic wealth together and make it visible.

For children and young people

Children and young people organize part of the event themselves. In joint activities, they playfully demonstrate their own multilingualism and thus arouse curiosity about the languages ​​of other children. You can also present your family language(s) on stage: with a picture, song, poem, favorite word, proverb or thought as a creative answer to the question: What do you particularly like about your family language?

All children and young people are warmly invited to take part and help shape the program!

For Adults

However, the program is not just aimed at children. For adults there is a keynote speech with an exchange on the topic of “Multilingual education in everyday kindergarten and school life – tips and role of the family language(s)” and an interesting exhibition on the project “ANSPRECHBAR – Listen to each other – Talk to each other” by Kultur Aktiv e. v.

We ask that you register. For families, registration is sufficient. If your child would like to actively present, please indicate this when registering! After the children have registered, you will receive further information by email.

We look forward to a wonderful celebration together!

Note: the event language is German (moderation and lectures). Translation support is available in the following languages: English, Russian, Ukrainian, Farsi/Dari.

  • 3:30 p.m onwards
  • 4:00 p.m
    Welcome from the host Children and Parents Center “Kolibri e.V.”
    Kristina Daniels, Managing Director
  • 4:05 p.m
    Welcome from the Landeshauptstadt Dresden
    Ivana Purath, coordinator for language support for immigrants
  • 4:10 p.m
    Welcome and pitch: India a country of a thousand languages?
    Dr. Avinash Chekuru, President | Indian Association Dresden e. v.
  • 4:20 p.m
    Project: “ANSWERBBAR – Listening to each other – Talking to each other” – Painting a salad of letters/proverbs (activities for children and young people)
    Yvonn Spauschus with team | Culture Active e. v.
  • 4:30 p.m
    Impulse lecture & exchange on the topic “Multilingual education in everyday kindergarten and school life – tips and role of the family language(s)” (adult guests)
    Daniela Glatzer, language mentor Hort | Office for Child Daycare of the State Capital Dresden
  • 5:00 p.m
    Presentations by children and young people (songs, pictures, thoughts, poems and more):
    What do I particularly like about my family language?
  • 5:30 p.m
  • 6:00 p.m
    Fun quiz for all “languages ​​of the world” – competition between teams
  • 6:30 p.m
    Multilingual, cultural activity
  • 7:00 p.m
    Event ends.

Registration Deadline
Date: 28.01.2025 – 21.02.2025 15:59 Uhr